hidden problems

Impress Your New Employer by Solving Problems They Didn’t Know They Had

Impress Your New Employer by Solving Problems They Didn’t Know They Had

Whatever problems you uncover, the most important thing is to ask yourself how your role relates to these issues. How can you do your work in a way that helps alleviate some of the issues you’ve discovered? Are you in a position to directly affect any of these things simply by virtue of being a new person? Simply by being aware of these issues, you’re bound to find new ways you can improve the business directly or indirectly.

How to Find the Hidden Problems at Your Company

How to Find the Hidden Problems at Your Company

You would think finding the biggest problems facing an organization should be easy because of their importance. But in practice, new hires usually don’t get the full story about what’s going on at the companies where they work. People who have been at the company for a while can be reluctant to discuss the big, scary problems with outsiders and recent hires. I can attest to not divulging “the dirt” to new hires about shortcomings or difficulties at the places I’ve worked...