
What Does a Compassionate CEO Look Like? BELFOR's Sheldon Yellen Weighs In

What Does a Compassionate CEO Look Like? BELFOR's Sheldon Yellen Weighs In

Two things in particular stood out to me after talking to Sheldon. First, you can be ruthlessly efficient without being a ruthless person. And second, the conversation reaffirmed how important it is to enjoy what you do. Sheldon and his team have built a multi-billion dollar industry leader on the premise that people are the most efficient and effective when they love what they do and care about why they do it. I wanted to understand more about how someone could be so focused on efficiency as a manager and at the same time connect emotionally with their people.

How to Find the Hidden Problems at Your Company

How to Find the Hidden Problems at Your Company

You would think finding the biggest problems facing an organization should be easy because of their importance. But in practice, new hires usually don’t get the full story about what’s going on at the companies where they work. People who have been at the company for a while can be reluctant to discuss the big, scary problems with outsiders and recent hires. I can attest to not divulging “the dirt” to new hires about shortcomings or difficulties at the places I’ve worked...